Yet another SWE's quiet place for ranting

FOSSAsia conference, Singapore


Finally got somewhere big and IT. Welcome to FOSS Asia IT conference that took place at Singapore at 18-20th of March.

What did I see there? Well, a lot of people willing to learn. Some of the talks were really mindblowing, but majority of them were average. It doesn’t mean they were bad, they were not hardcore, meaning no crazy hacks or benchmarks or extremely low-level code surgery. But they were educating and very useful for students and those who wants to take a look at some other technology, tool or idea. Sometimes there were kinda weird but funny topics :D.

 IT talks. About sex. !

My own talk was about “Yet Another Testing Tool” (c) that allows you to generate documentation for RESTful API. Yes, it’s apitest.

WARNING! Lots of fun, gifs, kittens and a couple lines of code ahead! :D. If you’re interested in demo example, please check it here.

Photos are here: Thanks Michael Cannon for great photography work!!
